4 Ways to Find Great Content Ideas

You’re at your computer, ready to produce some solid content, but you don’t know what to write about.  Don’t worry, because below are 4 easy ways to get content ideas for your blogs, videos, white papers, etc.


one lesser-known tool for generating content ideas is AlsoAsked.com. Go to the app and select a keyword, niche, or general area of interest. Select your language, location, and search depth (i.e. how deep a search you would like to generate). Note, a “deep search” requires you to purchase credits. In this situation, we’ll stick to the free search.

From there, your keyword, several questions are generated, with more related sub-questions. Looking at the results, you have in front of you a variety of options for topics and content ideas. Identify topics that resonate with you and you can write effectively about, while still keeping connected to what people are searching for and are interested in learning more about.

To dive deeper, you can click on a sub-question to generate even more related results, and so on. Overall, the option to dig deep into a topic or area of interest is available to you. This could effectively provide you with numerous ideas for social media posts, blog articles, white papers, and so much more.

The advantage of using such a tool is that it allows you to focus in on what people are actually searching for, removing much of the guess work. It also opens you up to more ideas than you could possibly generate on your own.


google itself can also be a powerful way to decide what type of content to make. Head to Google’s search bar, type in a keyword, niche, or general area of interest. In this case I’ll be entering “Problems businesses have with SEO”

Focusing on the results, you see Google provides lots of options. First, take note of the autocomplete suggestions because these are going to be the most popular search topics in regards to your niche.

Second, you can see the AI Overview where Google shares different categories or areas where you can continue a deeper dive within your area of interest.

Third, you can continue to scroll until you see the “People also ask” section. Observe the top questions, and just keep clicking on the questions so that even more appear. Continue down the chain as far as you can go, and take note of the different questions your target audience is asking and wants answers to.

At this point you have a variety of options for written, audio, or video content.

Pro-Tip: Use your questions as your hook or your video headline or both

Use your questions as your hook or your video headline or both.


another great resource is AnswerSocrates.com. Go to the site and enter your topic, country, and language. In my case, I entered “problems businesses have with social media.” The output I get is questions (your target audience) asked on Google.

You will also get topics that are similar to your query, giving you additional direction to go in searching for a topic. Additionally, you will able to see if your topic or area of interest is trending on Google.


An often-overlooked tool for topic searching is Reddit. Jump on Reddit and find a subreddit related to your industry or area of interest. You’ll then scroll through the post and find all the threads related to people wanting help, those asking questions, or those wanting to learn how to do something

You’ll then switch over to Google and search what you found on Reddit. You many need to add some additional verbiage or wording to what you’re searching to make it a more powerful search.

Pro Tip: Scroll through the Google results to see who is ranking on page one – if reddit is showing on page one or position one of Google, your blog post is likely to outrank it once published

Closing Thoughts

Overall, do your level best to be on the same page as your audience.  Help them answer questions to problems they have personally or professionally.  This will form a lasting connection between you and your audience, and keep them coming back for more of your content.

About the Author

Imran Akhtar is the owner of nHance solutions, a digital agency providing high-end web development services, social media management, digital marketing strategies, and maintenance and security solutions. He has an MBA in Marketing from Rice University in Houston, and has over 20 years of experience in the marketing and information technology space.